I don’t often recommend talking about nutrition with kids. It tends to put pressure on them to eat certain foods. That being said, there are certain kids that are going to be naturally curious about what they are eating and may ask about what different foods do in their bodies. They may have been told in school that “eating the rainbow” helps them to get all the nutrients that they need, but they may not understand exactly what that means.
ALL foods provide something to our bodies. Even if that something is just energy. It’s important to keep in mind that food is more than just nutrients and energy, it’s also part of our culture, family, and heritage. Many times foods provide comfort. These things are just as important as the nutrition that the food provides.
While this article will be focusing specifically on different colored foods and what they bring to the table nutritionally, one way to help keep foods off of a pedestal is to talk about the nutrients in all foods. Chocolate, for example, contains magnesium. Many candies may just provide energy and that’s ok! Kids need a lot of energy. Try not to focus on just foods that have traditionally been labeled as “healthy” or “good.”